Action Inquiries

At the Slow Work Garden, we have a deep and abiding trust that there are more compassionate, kind and loving ways to live and work – and that as a collection of humans, we have the creative capacity to draw these ways into the fabric of the everyday. One of the ways we do this is by hosting action inquiries – peer learning journeys where we come together with others to co-explore and live into big questions as guides for living, moving and feeling in the world. Questions like, ‘What if we learnt to slow down?’ and ‘What if we learnt to organise cyclically?’

After the success of our pilot action inquiries last year, we’re very excited to announce that we’ll be hosting some new inquiries this year!

The first of these is a new journey, in collaboration with the wonderful Christina Watson, host of the recent Death x Life Huddle, to explore the question: What if we learnt to grieve together?

From the beginning at The Slow Work Garden, we named 'grieving' as one of our slow work practices. For us, practising something is living it, embedding it in the everyday. This journey is for people who are drawn to exploring the expansiveness of grief, what it means to grieve as a practice, and the potential of grief as a portal for imagining and world building.