We help you slow down so that you can do your best, most meaningful work in the world.

Are you tired? Tired of the to-dos, the spinning plates, the feeling of falling behind? Tired of the more-more-more of productivity and grind culture? Do you feel like the creativity and brilliance of the people in your organisation is being put to best use? Or not?

Through our own work, we have discovered the paradox of urgency: that the impulse or need to speed up is almost always served best by slowing down.

Meet the slow work seedbomb.

Our bespoke consultation experience that will help you reduce the distracting noise of speed so that you can:

  • re-engage with the knowledge you have hidden in your organisation

  • reconnect with the wild creativity inherent in your people

  • re-align your purpose with your day-to-day practices and behaviours

Slowing down doesn't mean doing nothing...

In fact, it's essential in order to do something.

Our process has four parts.

1 — Deep listening

We consult with you to build a clear picture of:

  • where speed is showing up in your organisation

  • how it's affecting you, your people, your community and your environment

  • the roots of speed

2 — Shadows workshop

We facilitate a workshop with your team to:

  • gently dig into what came up during the consultation and shine light on the shadows of speed

  • build a shared felt sense of 'what is'

  • learn techniques in disrupting the impulse to speed up

3 — Seeds workshop

We facilitate a second workshop with your team to:

  • create space for real creativity and possibility outside your current paradigms

  • co-design a seed of slow to plant into your workplace based on the most present or compelling issue

4 — Slow coaching

We follow up with a coaching conversation to:

  • check in on progress and think through ways to embed the seed more deeply and allow it to grow

  • discuss further ideas for planting slow work practices into your ways of doing and being

Work with us to reduce the gap between what you say, what you do, and how you do it.

Longer-term and bespoke projects

We work with organisations to create spaces for inner work, creativity and intuition, and the small, slower adjustments needed to shift to a more aligned and purposeful way of organising.

We offer bespoke consultation based on deeply understanding your needs, and work with you to come up with something that feels right for your people, community, environment and context.

We’re especially interested in working with: new organisations who are just beginning to think about the way they organise; organisations engaged in social, community or environmental work; and more established organisations who sense that something is wrong and who are committed to figuring out a new direction.

If you'd like to chat about how we could co-create slow work together, please get in touch.