Welcome to The Slow Work Garden, a collaboration of two learning facilitators dedicated to the design and living of slow work.

Our guiding inquiry

What if we learnt to slow down?

Our guiding context

We live in a time of planetary emergency that is difficult even to think about. Huge shifts are needed in order to build a regenerative future for ourselves and our planet. Organisations and systems which work at hyper-speed damage the wellbeing of people, communities and the non-human world around us, by oversubscribing to rapidly depleting resources. But the fast pace of modernity and its relentless pursuit of ‘more’, risks keeping us distracted, exhausted and unable to envision and bring forth a better future. We – as organisations and individuals – must engage in a paradox: the act of urgently slowing down.

Our guiding belief

We believe it is possible to live a generative life in rhythm with the natural order of things; to learn to re-ritualise our lives, sit with the anxieties of our souls and give life to other ways of knowing and being.

Our intention for gathering

We come together to co-create a living pedagogy of slow work for organisational and individual regeneration, and as a community of practice who can work with some of the most pressing issues of our time.